Monday, March 31, 2014

Wicker table transformation, I started writing this blog in April thinking that I would be able to "get to it" and journal or "blog" at least once a week.  I now have tears of laughter running down my face, because I can barely remember to empty the debris bins on the Roomba twice a week.   What was I thinking? Guess I need to take baby steps.... This falls completely in character with all my little "projects".  I have discovered over the years that I am prone to procrastination and in the spirit of that revelation, I am making an effort to make sure to finish what I start.  I work best with deadlines & I always need to make them for myself.  That said ~ here is a project I actually finished recently.

Kit Kat loves the new color of the wicker table ~ it goes with her eyes…

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Here goes my new Adventure....

This is my 1st post on my new blog.  The hope is that eventually I will look back on this attempt at creativity without contempt.

After all, I am staring straight at 50, if I am going to do something different, now is the time.

The last few years have brought some major changes to my life ~ The most important being the birth of my 1st Grandchild, Laiten.  He has become my sunshine, he makes me happy when skies are gray.  We are currently waiting for his brother to join us... sometime at the end of August.  I am smiling just thinking about having two little boys around to discover the dirt, mud pies & bugs that lurk in the flower beds.  And knowing that my Wonderful Husband will go get another Dump Truck full of sand for the back yard.  Oh the hours of joy....

I quit smoking ~ WOW over a year ago ~ It's hard to believe that I was ever a "smoker".  A fact I really never admitted to myself (even though I went through a pack a day).  Tobacco makes you delusional.  I was convinced I couldn't drive my car out of my driveway without a cigarette in my hand.  It is truly amazing ~ all the cars in my driveway will actually start without me lighting a cigarette ~ imagine that?  However, even though the smell of cigarettes is incredibly foul, I still like the taste. I just don't like the taste they leave in my mouth.  Isn't that funny?  No I have not turned into one of those Holier than Thou reformed ex-smokers....  So how did I do it? And more importantly Why? Think I will cover that in another blog ~ but I will say this ~ it really was easy!

I've had other adjustments too ~ 3 out of 4 of our kids are now Adults that have been unleashed on the unsuspecting world ~ I do have to laugh at that ~ my Kids are pretty much perfect as far as I am concerned.  My rose colored glasses haven't failed me yet.  One child is left at home ~ a soon to be 13 year old, whose mouth makes it unclear as to whether or not he will make it to 14... I don't remember the other 3 being so sassy, but I guess that's what comes with being the "baby" of the family ~ Love them all to pieces....And just when I thought I might be an empty nester someday... the parents move in ~ Yep we are currently a 3 generation family (and I babysit my grandson, who is the 4th generation) all under one roof... Believe it or not, it works. 

That's not to say there haven't been days where the rainy winter weather of Washington State hasn't driven me bat-shit crazy,  My husband has found and jumped on that last nerve, My son's smart mouth makes me yank my hair out and My Father has given me some unsolicited inaccurate advice.  These are the days that I hold my Grandson and sing "You are my Sunshine, My only Sunshine" because he truly does make me happy when skies are gray. And I still don't smoke.